Well, I had a dream a few nights ago. Let me just say it was a glorious, glorious dream. I was over at someone's apartment hanging out, and they asked me if I was going to the enrichment activity next door, which started in just a few minutes. I had not been aware that there was an enrichment activity, but I said sure, and went next door and sat down. Turns out the activity was Bob Dylan coming to perform for us! THE Bob Dylan!
Wait. It gets better.
Not only was Bob Dylan two feet away from me, singing song after song, strumming his guitar, as I sang along (because my super-power happens to be knowing the lyrics to EVERY song ever)... but I was the only person who showed up to the activity!
I know! Right?
Me and Bob Dylan. Just the two of us. Basically he was serenading me.
And, he wasn't old and ugly-looking like he kind of is in real life. He was handsome and had very blue eyes.
Then, after he'd played a few songs, he got up to go... but before he left he took some coupons out of his pocket and handed them to me. They were for some random store I think.
"They say 40% off, " he said, "but tell them they're from me, and you'll get it for free." Then he winked at me and walked out of the room.
The rest of my dream I don't remember... but i do know that the entire time I kept thinking how jealous Haley would be when I told her I got a private concert with Bob Dylan. Her upcoming jealousy made me sooo happy. (sorry Hay)
When I awoke in the morning and realized it had all been a dream, I was so angry.
Man I could have used those coupons...
That's an amazing dream! I'm jealous you even dreamed it.