Making small-talk for six hours a day can really start to get to you sometimes. I'll get so disenchanted with it, that after work I don't want to socialize like a typical college student would, simply because I'm tired of asking people where they are from, what they do for fun, and where they got those neat-o sneakers from. Going on first dates can be real challenge also.
However, this isn't all the time, just occasionally. Don't worry about me becoming an antisocial hermit or anything like that. I still enjoy being around people and making new friends.
Some questions I avoid asking my clients, simply because they are questions I hate answering myself, are:
What kind of music do you like?
What do you like to do for fun/when you're not working?
However, when I come across someone who's not particularly "chatty" I might attempt asking one of these. Such was the case on Saturday, when a man came in for a haircut. He was nice, but kind of quiet. So after getting out of him that he is a woodworker who specializes mostly in custom mantels, but also in furniture... I asked, "So, what do you like to do when you're not working?"
Usually, you get a really boring answer to this question. Like 99 times out of 100 you get a, "Oh nothing much, just hanging with my friends," or "I like to snowboard," or "I don't have any time for hobbies... I'm always working. I don't even have time for this haircut, please hurry up and stop asking me questions." etc...
Well, this guy paused for a moment, then he smiled and said, "Honestly...drink."
You have to appreciate that kind of honesty.
I hope he comes back to me next time.
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