Monday, June 29, 2009

Napping Kids

text message received June 04, 06:23 pm

"Hey this is Shelley, i'm so sorry for the short notice but something just came up that i have to take care of so i don't think i can help kidnap. I'm sorry, G.L."

I don't know anyone named Shelley...

But now I know who I won't be calling when I need help with my kidnapping capers.


  1. Ha!

    It's like a Leila Text, except weirder because there is no explanation for how this mistakenly got sent to you!

  2. that is the best thing i've heard all day. hilarious....and kind of creepy. haha.

    oh, this is ali....gardner. don't worry, I haven't been blog-stalking you for too long haha
